4 Feb 2014

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Picutre 1: Doug Saddler, Bob Kellar, Richard Klafke and Mike Haney on the far right.


Picture 2: Argust Argie" Smith, Larrly Solari and Richard Heissler on the far right


Picture 3: Lynette Walter, Donna Schumacher, Ron Kosaka, Bill Beckman and Etna Nicewonger on the far right.


Picture 4: Carol Hughes, Judy Bouska, Kathleen Benegas and Annette Reiswig on the far right


Picture 5: Karen Kraus, Donna Schumacher, Sue Welby, Elvera Thornsberry and Lynette Walters on the far right.

Picture 6: Karlen Krause[Image]

[Image] Picture 7: Elvera Thornsberry


Picture 69: __??__, Sharon Christopherson, Mavis Seiberl, Gayle Deutscher and _??__