Remmick-Hubert Web Site - Borodino.Besssarabia.S. Rusia Home Site:  Stories of Deportation from Borodino in 1940

Last Update 24 April 2002

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Stories of Deportation From Borodino In 1940

Story sent by Vina Mayer, Clearwater, B.C. Canada

Researching: Mayer, Baisch, Dueck/Dyck, Hiebert:

Hello to all the folks who have asked me to send on any replies to my original message. There were only two with any info at all, and asked me not to send their messages on. So I am sending this story from our own family.

This is part of a story writtten by my cousin who was in that trek at the age of 27. I had asked her a lot of questions. This is the result of her research and, more importantly, her memories. It was written in 1995, starts with the early 19th century, describes the situation and reasons they left Schwaben and ended up in Bessarabia. It continues with the trek. Perhaps I should say that this family was leaving from Borodino. Perhaps people from other villages had different experiences.

This story does not say anything about what they had to leave behind, or what happened to their farms, home, businesses, etc, which was my original question. I hope you enjoy reading this story by our cousin, who is still living at age 86 (in Germany). She does not speak, read or write English. I had to get this translated on receiving it. To protect her privacy, I have omitted her name.

In Memory of Borodino Bessarabia

(Erinnerungen on Borodino in Bessarabien)

" There was no immigration to Rumania, but after the first world war Bessarabia became a part of Rumania. While they belonged to Bessarabia they were able to lead peaceful lives. Before the 2nd W.W. in 1939 there was an indirect mobilization. This, however, changed drastically after Hitler and Stalin signed an agreement."

"On Oct 8, 1940 began our deportation. After a train trip of 2 days and 2 nights under German guards and 2 more days and nights by boat on the river Danube under very adverse weather conditions we arrived in a camp in Eibau in the province of Saxonia. We were there for 18 months, then we were transferred to a tent camp where 11,000 people got their food supplies from ONE kitchen! Thank God we were there only for 3 months! Then we were settled in Althausen near Kulm, which was then Western Prussia and today is Poland."

"In January 1945 the Red ARmy was coming closer and once again we had to flee. The big trek with horse and carriage after horse and carriage was often attacked by fighter planes and shot at. After about a year we arrived in Northern Germany. There was talk about immmigrating to Paraguay but the unhealthy climate there did noit make this a desireable move and the idea was dropped."

"Finally the end of our journey was in sight, we finally came back to the Land of our ancestors, Schwaben, which today is called Baden-Wuerttemberg. Here we found peace, our old and new homeland, here we are happy."



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