Remmick-Hubert Web Site - Borodino.Bessarabia.Home.Site -List of Borodino Families Deported to Germany In 1940

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List of Borodino Families Deported to Germany In 1940


D = Dalnik =  Relatives linked to Borodinoians [own property in Borodino]

O = Oberdorf = the Upper Village of Borodino

U = Underdorf  = the Lower Village of Borodino [New Borodino]

Two numbers will be found with many of the names,  the first nume indicates the old Plot number that belonged to the family and the second number refers to the current plot number.  

fam. mem. = the number of family members  that were part of the deportation

nee = used before wife's maiden name

maiden name is given with wife when known

Sources:  Largest source found in Ernst Hoeger's book, others found through communication with realtives, friends and others

S-3 = Judy A. Remmick-Hubert . & List of Other sources to this web site 




Becker, Otterstaetter, Christine, nee  -  see wife of Heinrich Oterstaetter


Bippus, Albert had lived in Tarutino/ Bess with wife Pauline Schaible, fam. mem. 4

Bippus, Hess, Alma, nee  - see wife of Samuel Hess

Bippus, Christian , 196, 247 m. Christine Nannt, fam. mem. 5,

Bippus, Emilie m. Alexander Wiessner

Bippus, Nannt, Christine,  nee  - see wife of Jakob Nannt

Bippus, Schock, Emma,  nee   - see wife of Reinhold Schock

Bippus, Ruff,  Else,  nee  - see wife of  Reinold Ruff

Bippus, Ruff, Elses,  nee  - see  wife of Emil Ruff

Bippus, Gottfried, 196, 246 m. Pauline Gehring , fam. mem. 2, O

Bippus I, Gottfried, 394, 508, with wife Maria Otterstaetter, fam. mem. 4, U

Bippus, Schneck, Ida,  nee - see wife of Daniel Schneck

Bippus, Jakob, 203, 258,  m. Else Maier, fam. mem. 8, O

Bippus, Hildebrand, nee  -  see wife of Christian Hildenbrand

Bippus, Jakob , 237, 303  with wife Ida Menge, fam. mem. 6, U

Bippus, Johannes, __,  259,  m. Katharina Reule, fam. mem. 6, O

Bippus, Johannes, 411, 524, with wife Berta Riegert, fam. mem. 4, D

Bipus, Katharina, 57, 88 fam. mem. 1, O

Bippus,  Fried, Katharina, nee  ___, 213  see wife of Johann Fried

Bippus, Konrad, _ , 192 m. Katharina Stickel, fam. mem. 2, O

Bippus, Weiss, Magdalena,  nee    - see wife of Johannes Weiss, O

Bippus, Otterstaetter, Magdalena, nee  -  see wife of Benjamin Otterstatter

Bippus, Schock, Martha,  nee - see wife of Benjamin Schock

Bippus, Kron, Pauline, nee  - see wife of Johann Kron

Bippus, Maier, Pauline, nee - see wife of Johannes Maier

Bippus, Motz, Regina, nee  - see wife of  Daniel Motz

Bipus [Bippus], Reinhold, 65, 97,  and  wife Emma Stickel, fam. mem. 4, O then to Canada, S-108


Braun, Breyer, Caroline, nee - see wife of Otto Breyer, U

Braun, Lange, Regine, nee  - see wife of Gottried Lange, O


Breyer, Otto, 213, 271 with wife Karoline Braun, fam. mem. 3, U





Ehni, Johannes, 265, 344, with wife Christine Hein, fam. mem. 6, U

Ehni, Johann with wife Pauline Hein.  See Pauline Hein


Fried, Johann, ___, 213,  m. Katharina Bippus, fam. mem. 2, O



Gaessle, Johann, 414, 526, with wife Regine Hein, fam. mem. 3, D


Gehring, Bippus,  Pauline,  nee -  see wife of Gottfried Bippus, O


Gerling, Michael, 471, 594, with wife ___ Hein, fam. mem. 5, D



Hein, Gerling, ____, nee  - m. Michael Gerling, D

Hein, Hildebrand, Christine, nee  -  see Gottfried Hildenbrand, O

Hein, Otterestaetter, Christine, nee -  see Daniel Otterstaetter, U.  She was the daul of Danil eHein and Schristina Schaber and b. 28 Oct 1904 Borodino.

Hein, Ehni, Christine, nee  -  see Johannes Ehni, U

Hein, Eduarth, ___, 483, with wife Christine Raith, fam. mem. 2, U


Edward Hein

Edward Hein ,  son. of  Daniel  and Maria, nee Singer, Hein, b. 1 April 1914, m. 29 Sept 1956. He was married 3 times. He loves to garden and was living last in Waiblingen, Germany.  Her first name is Roseinmarie, maiden name not known at this time.  See Wedding Party Photograph.  

Hein, Otterstaetter, Elizabeth, nee  -  see Georg Otterstaetter, U

Hein, Harter, Elisabeth [widow] with fam. mem. 2

Hein II , Friedrich, son of  Friedrich  Hein I, [see family of Michael Hein and Christina, nee Stehr],  392, 506, .  He was b. 26 April 1914.  He was  with wife Magdalena Menge.  They had four children. = fam. mem. 4, U


Friedrich Hein, III

Hein III, Friedrich, son of Friedrich Hein II and Magdalena Menge, with wife Alma Warnke, fam. mem. 3,U

His grandfather, Frederick Hein I, died in WWI on the march home from the Western Front.  

See Michael Hein and Christine, nee Stehr.



wife Alma, nee Warke, Hein






House In Germany

Hein, Johann, 397, 512, with wife Johanna Weiss, fam. mem. 7, U

Hein, Leonhardt, 398, 513, with wife Luise Riwinius, fam.  mem. 6, U

Hein, Maier, Magdalena, nee - see Johannes Maier, O

Pauline and Johann

Pauline, nee Hein, Ehni

Hein, Pauline, dau. of Daniel Hein and Christina Schaber, b. 11 Dec 1909  m. Johann Ehni

See dau. Elsa Ehni's wedding picture.

She is the grandaughter of  Michael and Christine, nee Stehr, Hein.

Hein, Weber, Magdalena, nee - see Gottfried Weber, O

Hein, Gaessle, Regine, nee -  see Johann Gaessle, D

Hein, Samuel, 338, 422, with wife Regine Hess, fam. mem. 4, U


Hess, Samuel , 357, 451, with wife Alma Bippus, fam. mem. 3, U

Hess, Hein, Regine, nee  -  see Samuel Hein, U


Hildenbrand, Christian, 172, 208  m. Johanna Bippus, fam. mem. 5, O

Hildenbrand, Otterstaetter, Christine, nee - see wife of Johannes Otterstaetter

Hildenbrand, Gottfried, 75, 108, with wife Christine Hein, fam. mem. 4, O

HOEGER [Hager, Heger]

Hoeger, Albert, __, 574, with wife Martha Otterstaetter, fam. mem. 3, U





Kalmaier, Otterstaetter, Magdalena, nee - see wife of Samuel Otterstaetter


Kron, Johann, 25, 37, with wife Pauline Bippus , mem. fam. 5



Lange, Gottfried, ___, 61,  with wife Regine Braun, fam. mem. 3, O



Maier, Bippus, Else see wife of Jakob Bippus, O

Maier, Johannes, 390, 504 with wife Pauline Bippus, fam. mem. 4, U

Maier, Johannes, __, 244, with wife Magdalena Hein, fam. mem. 4, O


Menge, Bippus, Ida , nee  -  see wife of Jakob Bippus


Motz, Daniel, ___, 15, with wife Reina Bippus, fam. mem. 2, O


Nannt,  Bippus, Christine,  nee - see wife of  Christian  Bippus , 196, 247 fam. mem. 5, O

Nannt, Gottfried, 353, 442  with wife Katharina Otterstaetter, fam. mem. 4, U

Nannt, Jakob, 49, 80,  with wife Christine Bippus, fam. mem. 7, O

Nannt, Johannes, 361, 456,  with wife Johanna Otterstaetter, fam. mem. 5, U



Otterstaetter, Benjamin , 259, 337, with wife Magdalena Bippus, fam. mem. 4

Otterstaetter, Daniel, 339, 424 with wife Christine Hein, fam. mem. 4, U

Otterstaetter, Daniel, 481, 603 with wife Elisabeth ___, fam. mem. 4

Otterstaetter,  Schneck, Elisabeth, nee  - see wife of Johannes Schneck

Otterstaetter, Schock, Elizabeth, nee  - see wife of Friedrich Schock, U

Otterstaetter, Schock, Elisabeth , nee  -  see wife of Friedrich Schock

Otterstaetter, Weippert, Elisabeth, nee  -  see Jakob Weippert, U

Otterstaetter, Reule, Emilie, nee  - see Daniel Reule, U

Otterstaetter, Emmanuel, 347,434,  with wife Christine Sigloch, fam. mem. 4, U

Otterstaetter, Georg, 273, 356 with wife Marie ____

Otterstaetter, Georg, 262, 340, with wife Elisabeth Hein, fam. mem. 8, U

Otterstaetter, Heinrich, 200, 253  with wife Christine Becker, fam. mem. 5, O

Otterstaetter, Jakob, ___, 252,  with wife Johanna Grosshans, family mem. 3, O

Otterstaetter, Jakob , 271, 353, with wife Lydia Scheible, fam. mem. 5, U

Otterstaetter, Wallewein, Johanna, nee  - see Jakob Wallewein

Otterstaetter, Nannt, Johanna, nee  - see Johannes Nannt, U

Otterstaetter, Johann (Waisen), 258, 336 with wife Luise ___ [maiden name not known], U

Otterstaetter, Johannes, 199, 251, with wife Katharina Schock, fam. mem. 6, O

Otterstaetter, Johannes, 206, 262 with wife Luise Pohl, fam. mem. 7, O

Otterstaetter, Johannes, ___, 263, Konrad Otterstaetter, with wife Friederike Regner, fam. mem. 3, O

Otterstaetter, Johannes, 260, 338,  with wife Christine Hildebrand, fam. mem. 7, U

Otterstaetter, Johannes, 308,393, with wife Martha Stickel, fam. mem. 3, U

Otterstaetter, Johannes, 463, 583, with wife ___ Dietterle, fam. mem. 2

Otterstaetter, Rothfuss, Juliana , nee  -  see wife of Johann Rothfuss, O.

Otterstaetter, Nannt, Katharina, nee  -  see Gottfried Nannt, U

Otterstaetter, Schock, Katharina, nee  -  see Gottried Schock

Otterstaetter, Lilli, nee Schaeffer,  widow, fam. mem. 4, U

Otterstaetter, Sigloch, Margarethe, nee  -  a widow with 3 fam. mem., U

Otterstaetter, Bippus, Maria, nee  -  see Gottfried Bippus I, U

Otterstaetter, Hoeger, Martha, nee  - see Albert Hoeger, U

Otterstaetter, Richard ,    ___, 584,  with wife Erna ____, fam. mem. 3

Otterstaetter,  Schock, Natalie, nee - see wife of Samuel Schock, U

Otterstaetter, Samuel, 278, 361,  with wife Magdalena Kalmaier, fam. mem. 5, U

Otterstaetter, Samuel, 316, 399,  with wife Else Schaupp, fam. mem. 3, U



Pohl, Otterstaetter,  Luisse, nee - see wife of Johannes Otterstaetter




Raith,  Hein, Christine, nee  -  see Eduarth Hein, U

See Ehni-Raith wedding photograph in Germany


Regner, Otterstaetter, Friederike, nee  - see wife of Konrad Otterstaetter


Reule, Daniel, 465, 587, with wife Emilie Otterstaetter, fam. mem. 3, U

Reule, Bippus, Katharina,  nee  -  see wife of Johannes Bippus, O


Riegert, Bippus, Berta, nee  -  see wife of Johannes Bippus, D


Riwinius,  Hein, Luise, nee  - see Leonhardt Hein, U


Johann Rothfuss, ___, 47, with wife Juliana Otterstatter, fam. mem. 3, O


Ruff, Rehinold ___, 223 m. Else Bippus, fam. mem. 2, O

Ruff, Emil, ___, 224 m. Else Bippus, fam. mem. 4, O



Schaeffer, Otterstaetter, Lilli (widow) , fam. mem. 4, U


Schaupp, Otterstaetter, Elsse, nee  - see husband Samuel Otterstaetter, U


Scheible, Otterstaetter, Lydia, nee  - see wife of Jakob Otterstaetter


Schnaible, Bippus, Pauline,  nee  - see wife of Albert Bippus


Schneck, Daniel  __, 210,  m. Ida Bippus, fam. mem. 4, O

Schneck, Johannes, 204, 260 with wife Elisabeth Otterstaetter, fam. mem. 6, O.


Schock, Benjamin, 148, 174, m. Martha Bippus, fam. mem. 4, O

Schock,  Otterstaetter, Katharina nee - see wife of Johannes Schock

Schock, Friedrich, 284, 368 with wife Elisabeth Otterstaetter,  fam. mem. 6, U

Schock, Gottfried, 374, 481, with wife Katharina Otterstaetter, fam. mem. 5, U

Martha Hein Schock, Jacob with wife Martha Hein, dau. of Daniel Hein and wife (3) Maria Singer.  See family picture taken in Germany.

Schock, Reinhold, 162, 191 m. Emma Bippus, fam. mem. 4, O

Schock, Samuel, 248, 319 with wife Natalie Otterstaetter, fam. mem. 4, U.


Sigloch, Otterestaetter, Christine, nee  -  see Emaneul Otterstaetter, U

Sigloch, Mararethe, nee Otterstaetter , a widow with 3 fam. mem., U


Stickel, Bippus Emma, nee  - see wife of Reinhold Bippus, O

Stickel, Bippus Katharina, nee - see wife of Konrad Bippus, O

Stickel, Otterstaetter, Martha, nee - see Johannes Otterstaetter, U






Wallewein, Jakob, 355, 445,  with wife Johanna Otterstaetter, fam. mem. 2, U


Warke, Hein, Alma, nee -  see Frederich Hein II, U


Weber, Gottfried, 81, 115, with wife Magdalena Hein, fam. mem. 4, O


Weippert, Jakob, 351,438, with wife Chrstine Otterstaetter, fam. mem. 4, U


Weiss, Hein, Johanna, nee  - see Johann Hein, U

Weiss, Johannes , 205, 261, m. Magdalena Bippus, fam. memb. 5, O


Weissners Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Wiessner were good friends of Ludwig and Christine, nee Schweikert, Hein in Lodi, CA.  

Alexander Wiessner had been a prisioner of war during WWI and continued to be of poor health the rest of his life.  He always talked about the beautiful horses Michael Hein owned. Both died in Lodi, CA.

Obit of Emilie, nee Bippus,  Wiessner , Lodi News Sentinel, 29 Nov 1983.  "...surived by ....her sister Elfried Rieger of Germany; three brothers, Oscar Bippus, Johannes Bippus, Jacob Bippus, all of Germany..."

Photograph of his parents.

See Emilie, nee Bippus, Wiessner's family chart








Hein Genealogy

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