List And Brief History of the German States, Grand Duchies, Principalities, etc before 1806......Page U.  Remmick-Hubert Site

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List And Brief History of the German States, Grand Duchies, Principalities, etc before 1806 continued......


button Vaduz.  See Liechtenstein

button Vargula.  See Schenken von Tautenberg and Varula.

button Verden.  Presently in Reigerungsbezirk Stade, Niedersachsen and on the Alder River. Formerly Richsstadt and bishopric listed in 789...  In the Peace of Westphalia it was represented by Osnabrueck in the Catholic corpus.  In 1648 the territories were secularized and Sweden held the vote in the Reichstag until 1719 when the vote was taken by the ruling house of Hannover....

 button Verdun.  Presently in the Department of Meuse, France.  Formerly Reichsstadt and bishopric.  In the Peace of Westphalia  they were a member of the Catholic corpus.  In 1552 it passed to the French king as a protectorate by a Protestant prince....

button Virneburg.  Presently in Kreis Mayen-Koblenz, Reheinland-Pfalz (Palatinate).  The Protestant family von Loewenstein-Wertheim-Freudenberg (Virenburg) were representives.  There was another branch which was Catholic.  See Loewentstein-Wertheim-Rochefort and Rosenberg.



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